Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Head Gear

Sammy made this cute little crown for Clare before she was born. She cut the picture out of the Friend Magazine and colored it and then sent it with David to the Hospital when I was there at Christmas. She wanted her new sister to be able to dress up as a Princess. It was really sweet! She made a card and wrote out the instructions for me so that I would know to put it on baby Clare when she was born. She is a loving big sister and great helper.

Here is Clare ready for a day out with her little outfit and matching hair do.
She is falling asleep in her Daddy reclining chair. But she is making a dedicated effort to keep those eyes open.

This head gear is a super cute gift from Heather LaRue. We were going with a floral motif that day and thought this flower and headband combo would be cute, and what do ya know, it is!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The kids lovin' the Clare!

It took Josh a really long time to warm up to the Clare,
but it happened and now he is my little helper. Anytime he sees me feeding
Clare he is sure she should have all of her blankets and
suckies all at one time. It is very cute and I'm glad that
he has adjusted so well.

It took Jake no time at all to love the new baby.
He tells me all the time that his muscles are big and he can hold
baby Clare all the time. He just doesn't pay attention to how he is holding her.

Sammy is definitely the loving big sister. She wants to
change her diapers and take care of her all the time. It is very sweet!
She is always willing to help with anything to do with the baby.
She is a great big sister!